Students in Computer Applications 9/10/11 wrote a short response to an article about Internet Addiction . Read what they had to say...

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Looking at Deep Thought Index# 2

The article “Internet Addiction: Too Much Time Online” discusses teen use of the internet. I personally believe that teenager spend an acceptable amount of time online. The internet can be a great place, it gives you access to all kinds of information and it’s a great learning tool. The internet lets you access the rest of the world from the comfort of your own home. Recopies, Designs, artwork and educational information can be found online as well as a mall as you can buy things online and have them delivered right to your door. However the internet can also be a terrible place of wasted time and addiction. The internet can waste countless hours of your life on video games, social networks and watching videos. There is a point in internet addiction where you are cut off from the outside world and you stop seeing friends and going outside, but rely on the internet to bring you friends to you and have fun playing video games. I have personally seen this happen with one of my friends, who no longer who no longer plays hockey or goes out with friends, but just jumps right onto the computer after school when he gets home. He has started to depend on the internet to bring his friends to him through Skype and play with them only through video games. As a result of his addiction he and I have become for distant friends, as he is on the computer for several more hours than me and we no longer play the same games. The internet can be a bitter sweet place; it just all depends on how you use it.