Students in Computer Applications 9/10/11 wrote a short response to an article about Internet Addiction . Read what they had to say...

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Looking at Deep Thought Index# 22

The article 'Internet Addiction: Too Much Time Online' discusses internet addiction in 8-18 year olds. I personally believe that teenagers spend too much time online. There are actually so many people I know that stay up until 3AM gaming. I’ve even read a few articles about people who wouldn’t leave their computer to eat or use the toilet. The internet is a beautiful thing that can waste your life. There were many days where I just sat in front of the computer doing useless things like playing Bubbleshooter or doing a jigsaw puzzle. I had homework to do but I didn’t want to do it so I went on the computer. If the internet didn’t exist, I wouldn’t have been able to waste my time. I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to the internet but I think it’s just because I use the internet to get away from other responsibilities. I believe that the internet is a great tool and I love it so much. It has helped me with homework so many times but I really suck at managing my time online. Moral of the story: Get off the computer or you’ll have no life.

-Dora the Explorer