Students in Computer Applications 9/10/11 wrote a short response to an article about Internet Addiction . Read what they had to say...

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Looking at Deep Thought Index# 5

The article ‘Internet Addiction: Too much time online’ discusses some of the effects of having too much time online. I personally believe that teenagers spend too much time online. A lot of teens go online after school and spend most of their after school hours online, being online can make them procrastinate and not get their homework done. Finally, resulting in possibly lower marks in school. On the street and at school, I constantly see people on their phone that have internet connection looking at videos and playing games. It is ok to play games to pass the time, but now playing games for hours on end. Another effect of Internet Addiction can cause lack of sleep that may cause grumpiness and other negative emotions. The use of internet may cause the feeling of time moving very fast. I think teens are looking at screens too much, not just the internet, but T.Vs, phones, etc. Lately I have been online more and getting less sleep. Since having less sleep, I have not been getting as good marks as I used to in the past. I really think that teens have been online a lot more than in the past years.

-McLovin and Feliciano Vargas