Students in Computer Applications 9/10/11 wrote a short response to an article about Internet Addiction . Read what they had to say...

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Looking at Deep Thought Index# 4

Internet addiction: Too much time online discusses the amount of time spent by kids from 8 to 18 online. The article talks about how internet use takes up all the free time kids have. On average kids spent 10 hours and 45 minutes a day with media. That’s 75 hours per week, more than twice an adult spends on a full time job. Youth who spend a lot of time online robs them of the real world experience, and may lower their grades, because they don’t have time for homework and studying for tests. This also effects the sleeping time, and higher risk of depression for kids. Some teenagers balance media with school, sports, friends, and other hobbies, yet a small percentage need to be online and can become compulsive, uncontrolled, or pathological. The article teaches parents how to identify a child’s addiction. Some signs include preoccupation with internet destinations, spending money on internet merchandise, lost track of time when online, failure to control behaviour, and many more. Personally, I believe that teenagers spend too much time online. When I spent time online I notice that when I tell myself that it’s time to do homework I still stay online and procrastinate. Most teenagers spend a lot of time online ranging from facebook and other social media sites because it gives them a confidence boost and manages their self esteem. For guys, most time is spent online playing video games. Some get so involved in gaming that they use it to escape the real world, since they have and ideal world there. Overall, I think youth spend way too much time online, and believe that time online should be limited.
John Johnson